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Road closures & diversions

Road closures during the glacier marathon:

  • During the half marathon start, the L16 Pitztal-Straße in the St. Leonhard/Eggenstall area will be closed between 08:30 and 09:15. Diversion via the district of Gschwandt.
  • Total closure in the Wenns and Arzl area (from the Wenns community centre to Arzl/junction L243) from 09:15 to 12:00 – diversion via Jerzner Straße L243. The “public motorway” is excluded from this closure.
  • There is a local diversion in Wenns for traffic travelling towards Piller Str. L17 (via the municipal road “Boarli”).
  • On the L16 Pitztal-Straße between Arzl and Mandarfen, short-term stops and obstructions are possible from 08:00 to 15:00
  • In general, short-term closures and obstructions are to be expected along the entire running route until the end of the running event.